Moldovans against vaccine due to religious reasons
Fewer kids get vaccinated as parents are rigid in their religious beliefs.
According to the National Center for Public Health, over the past eight years, the immunization rate has fallen by more than five per cent, and the vaccine coverage of the population is below 90 per cent.
Authorities say parents refuse to visit doctor due to religious reasons, personal beliefs, but also because they are not well informed of infectious diseases such as measles, rubella or mumps.
Victoria Zisari, 29, mother of two children, says both her kids were only vaccinated at maternity. She gave up immunization due to her distrust of medical quality.
"None of the doctors can guarantee that there will not any supplementary consequences or complications ", said Victoria Ţisari.
The woman claims she is aware of the risk her baby is exposed to. She says she would get kids vaccinated if certain medical conditions were properly met