77 accidents took place during a day in Chisinau
In the last 24 hours in Chisinau took place over 77 accidents with material damages and six traumatized persons. In 55 cases, the Section transport surveillance within the Police Department of Chisinau came at the place of the accidents, to investigate the cases. At the same time, from all the accidents, 10 drivers left from the place of accident without announcing the Police of the Capital.
Those will be investigated and punished according to the suspension of the driving license law. At the same time, 20 drivers received fines in sums between 900 and 1 500 lei and 100 penalization points.
Thus, the Police Direction of Chisinau warns the drivers to obey the stipulation of the 13th point of the Circulation Rules, to avoid the traffic jams. So, the drivers implicated in accidents are obliged to get of the car and to go to the Section transport surveillance from the 38 Aleea Garii street.
In this context, the Police of the Capital warns the drivers to obey the rules and to be very careful at the traffic.