Authorities don't resolve problem of floods from Eugen Doga street
Andrei Doga street from the Capital is flooded, because of a broken pipe. The flooded portion of the street is not the only problem, as there are many branches that are about to fall in the middle of the road.
The flooded portion is situated in the nearby of a kindergarten. The parents of the children say the branches put in danger the life of their children.
''Is is very uncomfortable to bring our children to the kindergarten. The branches are there from the winter.''
''We made a request to ''Spatii verzi'', to clean the portion.''
''They cleaned all the territory of the kindergarten and left the branches in the middle of the road. It is not good, because the water that flows is paid from our money.''
The responsible from ''Spatii verzi'' said they didn't receive any requests of cleaning the portion, even if the people say they sent many requests.
''I already talked with the responsible. On Friday, they will clear the portion, if the weather is fine'', said Galina Leahu, the deputy director of ''Spatii verzi''.
The spokesmen of ''Apa-Canal'' say the floods take place very often, because of an old pipe.
''We talk about a steel pipe that is broken because of the pressure. Is is wrong that the people pay the water that flows on the street. Those are our technical loses'', said Nadejda Fotescu, the spokesman of ''Apa-Canal''.
After the case from April, hundreds of trees, electric pilings were broken and many villages and towns remained without light.