Tragedy in Drasliceni village, 11 year old child crushed by a steamroller
An 11 year old child was hit by a steamroller. The tragedy happened this morning on a stadium in Drasliceni village, Criuleni district.
According to the driver of the car, he didn't notice the child, because of the reduced visibility. It is unknown how did the victim arrive in the middle of the stadium where there were reparation works.
According to the eyewitnesses, some children were playing while the driver was working. The driver told them a couple of times it is dangerous to play around, but the children didn't react.
''Speranta'' football team was trained on this stadium. The President of the club said the stadium needed to be renovated. He couldn't imagine this tragedy can happen.
''He jumped on the roller. The driver stopped the roller and banished the child, but he didn't stop. Can you imagine he was under the roller? The driver stopped it as soon as he could and tried not to hit him, but it was impossible to realize'', said Petru Efros, the trainer of ''Speranta'' football team.
When the ambulance came, it was already too late, as the child was dead. The police investigates the circumstances of the case.
''The driver of the steamroller crushed the boy by chance. Now, the driver is at the police office and the case is under investigations'', said Nicolae Curtac, the Chief of IP Criuleni.
If found guilty, the man risks three years in prison.