Chances to export Moldovan apples in Europe are bigger in 2017 year
Apple producers from Moldova have big chances to export big quantities of their harvest on the European market. This year, the production of apples on the European market is 18% smaller than the previous year. In this conditions, the experts say the international companies will have a bigger interest for the apples.
In 2012, the anterpreneur Vitalie Obrejanu from Floresti district planted apple trees on a 35 ha surface This year, his harvest was over 1 600 tons of fruits.
''It was a good year for the agricultors from Republic of Moldova. We have good quality apples and we are always ready to share them our customers'', said Vitalie Obrejanu.
The farmer has a 4 tons fridge that permits him to keep the fruits till the end of May. The man says the biggest quantity of apples will be exported.
''We will wait a little bit for the prices to raise and then, we will start to sell the apples. Now, the prices vary between 24 and 30 cents, sometimes even 50 cents, in accordance with the quality of apples.''
The agricultors say if the exports will raise, then the intern maket will be affected.
''The 2017 year is unique, if we compare it with the last 20 year. Now, the chance to export on European market is bigger. The imports in Europe will increase with 42%'', said Iurie Fala, the director of Moldova-fruct.
According to the statistics, this year, the apple production in Europe is over 9 million tons, two million fewer than in 2016. In Moldova there were harvesting 430 thousand fruits, 3% more than the previous year.