World Prematurity Day: one of 10 children in Moldova is premature born
The number of premature born children raises and the the doctors explain the phenomenon happens due to the intrauterine infections, stresses and late diagnosis for the pregnancy period.
It is surprisingly that many children still survive, due to the good treatment. Today, Moldova celebrates the World Prematurity Day .
This is Ilina. She was born at 27 weeks and was weighting 930 grams. Now, she is four years old and even if she had to pass thorough many impediments, she is full of energy.
''I am beautiful and nice.
-When did your mother born you?
-September 4, 2013'', said Ilinca Grib.
Girl's mother tells she had born twins, but after three months, the other baby died, because of pneumonia. Thus, they gave all the attention to Ilinca.
''I was afraid to touch her. What was harder already passed. Ilinca is very active, she has a good memory, she is clever and knows many poems'', said Iulia Grig, the mother of the girl.
Andries was born on November 12 and he was weighting 1 kilo and 800 grams.
His mother told she knew she will born earlier than she was supposed to. The doctors encouraged her.
Maria was born earlier than she was supposed, too. Her mother, initially was scared to hold her, but she got used to it.
''She had 780 grams, she was so small. She was very small, but we were waiting for her, for a long time'', said Cristina Melnic, mother of the child.
The rehabilitation of the babies born premature continues after leaving the Reanimation section.
Thus, the mothers receive psychological help and are guided how to take care of the babies.
''At the beginning, everybody is stresses, they don't know how to act. But, we educate them how to feed and hold the baby'', said Mariana Luceac, doctor.
"Avea 780 de grame micuţă de tot. Era micuţă, nici nu aveam la ce mă uita. Foarte dorit şi mult aşteptat pentru că fetiţă aşteptam", a spus mama de copilului prematur, Cristina Melnic.
Presently, the No.1 Municipal Hospital from Chisinau hosts 12 premature born children. The skinniest weights 775 grams. The doctors say that only 15% of the premature born babies don't survive.
''As big the term of the gestation is, as long the survival is. In Moldova, this indicator raises. Our target is to make sure the child of the woman who born in our hospital survives, grows and is healty'', said Diana Rotaru, doctor.
According to the statistics, the previous year, in our country were premature born 2036 children, while in 2015, only 782.