Pavel Filip: Only way of Moldova to develop is European Integration
Within a press conference from Bruxelles, the Prime Minister of Republic of Moldova said that our country is firmly determined to realize the reforms and the Association Agreement with the European Union. He also had a speech at the plenary session of the East Partnership Summit, where he mentioned that the only way of Moldova to develop is European integration.
"The political messages are important for our society, as it strengthens the trust within the European sector. It is enough for Moldova to oscillate between East and West. The main target of this Govern is to make the European route of Moldova irreversible and we try to do it through reforms", said Pavel Filip, the Prime Minister of Moldova.
The Prime Minister also added that our country passes through a critic period, a period of difficult reforms and unpopular decisions. This is why the presence and support of European Union are crucial. Pavel Filip had a message for the opponents too who asked a couple of times to stop the external funding.
"The main target of the opponents it to criticize. We are open up to those critics. It is bad when the politicians of a country act against it", said Pavel Filip.
Filip mentioned that the authorities from Chisinau will cooperate with the EU and will find new sources of economical growth, through the stimulation of the small and medium business and attract of new investors. Also, Moldova counts on the elimination of roaming charges, the modernization of transport and the implementation of energy interconnection projects. Filip also thanked Romania for its support.
"Beyond the government changes from Romania, its attitude according to us is the same. Romania is the country that supported us in hard times. When the external finances were stopped, Romania borrowed us money. Romania invested a lot in the kindergartens from Moldova", said Pavel Filip.
The macrofinancial assistance convention of 100 million euros was also signed at Bruxelles.