EBRD appreciated reforms from Republic of Moldova
According to the new edition of Transition report from 2017-2018 of EBRD, signed between Moldova and MIF stimulated a vast rage of reforms in the country.
The three year funding program of the Fund of Moldova in value of 179 million USD was approved in November 2016. Then, there was a big accent on the banking sector, debts of the energetic companies problem solving, change of the taxes for the costs returning and the elaboration of it between 2017 and 2019.
Besides the actions of the agreement with MIF, the authorities made reforms in the financial and energetic sectors, they converted the state guaranties on the BNM loans for the three banks that belong to the state.
In April, the MIF finished the first audit of the program with Moldova and released a trance of 21,5 million USD.
This thing unlocked the assistance from EU, World's Bank and Romania. According to the EBRD experts, the Moldovan authorities registered progresses in the vulnerability solving of the banking system. The legislative modifications adopted last year according to the National Bank additional tools , permitted the identification of beneficiaries of the affiliated parts. Other modification is the punishment in the case of the chiefs, administrators of the banks.
EBRD experts found out that the Central Depository of the Securities was created in April, to enforce the financial infrastructure and the protection of the raider attacks.
Two of three banks from Moldova are under special surveillance and three in special implication service of the National Bank.
In two banks, the National Bank blocked the actions of the non-transparent shareholders. After the emission of a new Security, the actions will be sold for attracting new investors.
EBRD experts discussed a vast range of reforms among which: revision of tariffs for covering the looses and the costs of the providers, the insurance of investments in the energetic infrastructure.
In the new law according to the electric energy and natural gas adopted in 2016, the Parliament adopted a new law according to the electric energy in June, within the implementing of the reforms agenda.
The new law according to the promotion of the renewable energy, adopted in February will be implemented in 2018.
The experts highlighted the stability of the pension system that will come into force of the new pension law, at the beginning of this year, that provides the raise of the pension age till 63 years for men. The new system of pensions includes the pension providence and requests the budgetary employees to count on the social impact.
In 2016, the total number of allowances and licenses was reduced with a quarter.