Survey: Moldovans spend more money than they earn
The Moldovans spend more money than they earn. According to the National Statistics Bureau, each citizen spends 2 300 lei on different services.
At the same time, their incomes exceed the 2 300 salary with 500 lei. The statistics show the populations' incomes had raised with almost 7% comparatively with the last year. The inflation is at the same level, anyway.
The main source of income for the Moldovans is their salary that covers 43,5% of their costs. Also, people obtained money from pensions, allowances and social aids, that consist 26% of the incomes.
The transfers from outside there are an important income source too. Those represent up to 14% of the incomes. Those who live in cities have bigger incomes, while the ones who live in villages cover just a third of their costs.
People from the villages depend more on money transfers from other countries, than the ones from the cities. Also, the ones from the villages have bigger incomes from pensions, allowances and social aids.
At the same time, the Moldovans spend the biggest amount of money on food (45%), on their house (20%) and 11% on clothes and other services.
In the top of the costs there are the money for the health services too.