Vlad Plahotniuc: New Government's seven members will concentrate on professionalism rather than political appearance
Great surprise at the end of the year. The Filip Government goes through a big change of its workers, thus, the Government will be technocratic. The announcement was made by Vlad Plahotniuc said the modification are made to make the Government be closer to people.
"We registered big progresses in Government's relationship with the people. I want to congratulate Pavel Filip for his professionalism and great job he did. Also, I want to congratulate all the members of the Government for their activity and the efforts, that were remarked by the citizens and foreign partners. Today, the Government has a higher credibility from the citizens, which is very important, but, anyway, it is not enough for the potential we have. Some may ask why do we do those changes, after those instability years? The reply is very simple: because we want more and we are aware there is place for more", said the leader of PDM.
According to Vlad Plahotniuc, the change targets a half of the ministers. Now, the Government will have seven new members.
"We want to enforce this practice, to make an accent on the ministers' professionalism, not on their political membership. We have chosen a technocratic and professional character of the Government's team. The main target is to adapt the Government's activity to the people's requirements, to make a change of attitude, to make the ministers' activity more efficient. This is why we will begin the new year with a new Government, formed of new ministers."
Vlad Plahotniuc announced the changed that will take place:
"For the post of deputy Prime Minister was nominated Iurie Leanca. The European Integration sphere is a strategic one for Moldova, this is why it should be improved by a person who is dedicated to this. This person should coordinate the Association Agreement and other documents and agreement we will sign with the EU.
The sphere of the country's reinstatement will be more dynamic, especially after the evolution of the relationship between Chisinau and Tiraspol. For the post of deputy Minister of Reinstatement was nominated Cristina Lesnic. At the present moment, the activity of Intern Affairs Ministry is leaded by a very competitive person, who contributed to big changes in this sphere, for example: the negotiation of Association Agreement and the visa free-travel for Moldova. The main mission of the new deputy Minister is to find the best way to implement the recent agreements signed with Tiraspol.
The Ministry of Economy of Infrastructure will be taken by Chiril Gaburici, a man with a rich management experience who knows very good the sphere he will be leading.
The Ministry of Health, Labor and Social Protection proposes Svetlana Cebotari, the director of the National Center of Blood Transfusion.
Ministry of Agriculture, Regional Development and Environment will be leaded by Liviu Volconovici, the rector of State Agrarian University of Moldova.
- Minister of Foreign Affairs and European Integration - Tudor Ulianovschi, current Republic of Moldova Ambassador to Switzerland.
Minister of Justice - Alexandru Tănase, former judge in the Constitutional Court and former Minister of Justice.
Vlad Plahotniuc declared that in spring, the activity of the Government will adapt its agenda to the citizens' requirements, will come with new decisions, according to the registered results.