Government to create new job places. Which criteria should be fulfilled?
The regulation according to the subsidizing the creation of new jobs has been approved by the Cabinet of Ministers.
According to the authors, the implementation of the regulation will determine the economic agents to create new jobs and will have a positive impact on the national economy. Thus, it will stop the migration phenomenon.
The subventions' quantum for a job is 40 thousand lei for 2018. The money will be paid in two trances, in two years. The financial resources are provided in the medium-term budgetary framework.
Among the eligible criteria for offering a subvention there are: increasing the number of the employees with at least 100 persons who take part from the subject category of the subvention, the average salary of the employed persons should not be lower than 75% of the average quantum on economy in the last day of the current month when the subvention is requested, the economic agent shouldn't have outstanding at the taxes payment.
The Regulation was drafted on the basis of the State Aid Law and the implementation of the Action Plan for Investing and Exporting Exports for 2016-2020.