Horror moments in traffic from Capital. Driver threatened other traffic's participants
A driver from the Capital showed inadequate and irresponsible behavior to threatened another participant at the traffic.
The incident took place while in the victims' car there was a child. Moreover, the driver created accident situation.
"Such a creature we met today! It is a pity we didn't react immediately. You should have heard how he said that he will get off the car and shoot us all. "I don't care there is a child in the car. I will shoot you all"... he could have provoked an accident. I can't calm myself and my child who is still scared. I was that scared that I didn't think to film him. I am writing this and I am trembling", wrote the victim on her Facebook page.
The police of Republic of Moldova got inflicted on this case and the representatives of National Patrol Inspectorate investigate all the circumstances of the case. They will come with details.
At the same time, people of the law condemn the behavior of some drivers as being inadequate and irresponsible.
If you are the eyewitness of such cases call the police on 902 number.