National Bank sells 44 jubilee coins and bills. Which are most expensive?
The National Bank sells 44 jubilee coins and bills. The most expensive are the ones named "20 years from introducing the national currency" and "555 years from Stefan cel Mare's government". Those price is over 11 thousand lei.
The gold coin "20 years from introducing the national currency" weights 15,5 grams. It circulates since 2013 and can be bought with 11 500 lei. The nominal value of it is 50 times less. Other coins have the face of different writers and cost between 5 800 and 6 300 lei.
The most valuable coins are made of silver and are dedicated to the 20 years of independence and 575 years of Chisinau. Both cost 725 lei each.
The coins dedicated to 80 years from Grigore Vieru's birth and to 1 900 years since the inauguration of Traian Monument are expensive too.
The National Bank offers coins with the face of Maria Biesu, Dumitru Matcovshi, Tamara Ciobanu and Alexei Mateevici. The ones who want to collect those coins can buy those from banks