WARNING! Many children from Capital suffer of scarlet fever
More children from the Capital suffer of scarlet fever. In December there were 43 cases of this type, while in January, the number increased.
The doctors think the situation will be worse soon.
A mother noticed that her daughter started to feel bad after she came from the kindergarten. She decided to go to the doctor and found our her daughter suffers of scarlet fever.
"When I found out this is scarlet fever I was scared. Anyway, the illness can be treated easily. She got pills for six days. The girl returned home in a few days. She will return to the kindergarten in a few days."
"I had eruptions on my whole body. It was very painful to swallow."
Scarlet fever is very contagious; therefore, employees of educational institutions should be careful and tell the doctors immediately if they notice the symptoms of a disease in a child, experts say.
If not treated in time, scarlet fever may affect the heart, kidneys and the bone system. In 2017, the Chisinau Public Health Center recorded 335 cases of infection with this virus and only one of the patients was adult.