Subject that made the representatives of Parliament argue
The works of trees clearing near the Parliament was discussed within the plenary session. The liberals are unsatisfied and Alina Zotea deputy asked the President of the Parliament to explain the situation.
"We all know that in the lase days took place a clearing of the trees from the back of the Parliament. Mrs. President, can you, please explain it the parking comfort more important than the value of these trees?", asked Alina Zotea.
Andrian Candu suggested the liberals to be more organized and to come to the sessions of the Permanent Bureau, where they discussed about this subject. The chief of the legislative says that the trees were cleaned illegally.
"The leader of your party is a representative of the permanent bureau, but he doesn't come at its sessions. This shows the lack of his discipline", said Andrian Candu.
Mihai Ghimpu, the president of the party showed his derange about this declaration:"What about the bureau, you are not a director of a company to tell me about discipline. I wan't present only yesterday."
The trees near the Parliament are cleaned by the Green Spaces workers. According to the representatives of Spatii Verzi, there will be planted other three in Spring.