Shocking case in Soroca. 7 year old girl was hit by car while crossing street
A seven year old girl was hit by a car while she was crossing the street. The incident took place in CUresnita Veche village, Soroca district. The girl was returning from school. After she got off the minibus, she was hit by a car at whose wheel was a 16 year old minor. She was transported to the district hospital from Soroca village.
The tragedy occurred two days ago in Curesnita Veche village, Soroca district. The eyewitness called the ambulance and the girl was transported by emergency to the hospital and interned in the reanimation section. Girl's mother says that at the moment of the tragedy, she wasn't home and the girl was transported directly to the hospital.
"The car thrown her away in a grave condition. Her month was full of sand and blood. The driver of the car came to say sorry, but I can't, because he is just a minor and doesn't even have a driving license", said the mother of the girl, Stela Revenco.
After the hit, the girl received a head trauma. The girl was transported in the reanimation section.
"She was brought to our hospital in a serious condition with the diagnosis of serious cranio-cerebral trauma, severe cerebral concussion, and multiple facial wounds. The dynamics of the treatment is positive, but the repeat is of medium gravity", said Alexei Procopi, section chief.
The eyewitness say the driver had excessive speed.
"She was crossing the street. The driver noticed her, but, anyway, he couldn't stop and hit her."
People say that the young man passed the blood alcohol test and the police will find out if he was drunk or not.
"The driver of the car was a minor without documents and driving license. We will qualify the action after the results of the forensic expertise will be ready", said Eugenia Molceanu, press officer of IP Balti.
The teenager is investigated for driving while drunk and wounding a person. The boy doesn't live with his parents, because they work abroad. The police initiated a penal case for driving while drunk.