Customs authorities from Moldova and Ukraine will strengthen cooperation
The evaluation of the current situation from the customs' perspective, of the future evolution about the management of the Moldo-Ukraine border were the main objectives of the Odessa session, where participated Vitalie Vrabie, the director of the General Customs Service, Slawomir Pichor, the chief of the chief of the Border Assistance in Ukraine and Moldova and Miroslav Prodan, the interim of the Ukraine State Fiscal Service.
The discussions targeted the way of implementing the cooperation provided by the FMI and the common control and information exchange.
What about the points of crossing the border, they haven't provide common border checking points. The parts convened to coordinate the traffic and the control procedures.
The exchange of the information on certified flows, staffing, cooperation with border agencies and the use of all control lanes, regardless of traffic, were some of the discussed toppics.
In his address, Customs Director General, Vitalie Vrabie mentioned the effectiveness of such meetings, as those allow the parties to agree on the most viable forms of interaction. "Efficient border management, by ensuring simultaneous securitization and providing the security and fluidity of the traffic is a common responsibility.
This is why, it is important to take measures and provide well organization of the border services from Republic of Moldova and Ukraine.
At the same time, EUBAM will continue to support the reforms in the infrastructure of the customs points, to facilitate the traffic.
According to Vitalie Vrabie, impracticable roads cause drivers to avoid some crossing points and opt for others, which are consequently overburdened.