Chisinau Arena project registered in Parliament. It will be built in Stauceni
The project of law on contructing the Chisinau Arena was registered today in the Parliament by a group of deputies. The project of law provides declaring a 70 ha land from Stauceni village in the category of lands for constructions.
"From the independence till now, the concert halls, the stadiums and sports halls were destroyed. It is for the first time after 26 years when we can build such an arena for Moldova. I hope this project will be supported by the Parliament colleagues", said Andrian Candu, the President of the Parliament and one of the project's authors.
The construction of the arena represents a priority for our country, because it will create a vast range of opportunities and advantages. According to the pre-feasibility study, the Ministry of Education, Culture and Search, Chisinau Arena will have a capacity of 3 000- 5 000 places, between 800 and 1 200 parking places and it will be able to host different sportive events, conferences, exhibitions and concerts. The construction will also have an Olympic pool tennis terrain, fitness and spa.