Snow layer in north reached 25 centimeters
The snow caused troubles for the people from villages. In the north, the snow layer reached 25 centimeters.
The villagers didn't even expect that the March snow will be that strong.
"I didn't expect such a snow fall. Yesterday we removed the snow and today too."
Despite the sharp weather change, the farmers are not worried. Anyway, the snow caused them troubles.
"Comparing with the last year in this period we already sow the sugar beet. This year we will be a little bit late", said Nicolae Chihai.
The farmers are not very worried, instead, the road workers are.
"We should spread nonskid material, to remove the snow from the entrance in the kindergartens and schools' yard", said Dorin Pintea, deputy director of Balti Roads.
According to the Education Ministry, this morning, 140 students from four districts haven't been to school, because of the snow.