Discussion on energetic efficiency have already started
Vitalie Iurcu, the State Secretary of the Economy and Infrastructure Minister participated at the first session of political discussions, at a high level, regarding the energetic efficiency in Republic of Moldova, that was organized by EU4Energy. The discussed subjects were based on the development stage of the legal frame within the energetic efficiency. The representatives of the Government, Parliament, development partners, industry, financial institutions, civil society participated at the discussions.
At the beginning of the event, Vitalie Iurcu highlighted the importance of the energetic efficiency. The Government supports this project and the responsibilities to implement it.
"The energetic efficiency is not a simple responsibility, this is a tool to raise the energetic security, to diminish the poverty and to reduce the waste", said the Minister of Economy and Infrastructure.
At his turn, Peter Michalko, the EU Ambassador to Republic of Moldova declared that the EU supports Republic of Moldova in the implementation of the reform agenda. EU hopes to change the energetic system of Moldova, as it will develop the life conditions.
The experts of the Energetic Communication Secretary will spread the knowledge and support the Republic of Moldova authorities to fulfill the responsibilities on the Energetic Community Agreement. Accoridng to Janez Kopac, the director of the Secretariat, all the European rights' all the norms of European energy law that the Republic of Moldova, as a member of the Energy Community, has undertaken to implement, in particular those of energy efficiency, serve a significant purpose, and the increase in energy efficiency is in the customers' interests.
"The time to vote the law regarding the energetic efficiency has came", mentioned Janz Kopac.
The EU4Energy initiative covers the EU support to provide energy, security and connection. The EU also targets to implement the project in Armenia, Azerbaidjan, Belarus, Georgia and Ukraine.
This will be done by funding projects and programs that help reform energy markets and reduce dependence and energy consumption at national level. In the long run, it makes energy supply more reliable, transparent and affordable, thus reducing energy poverty and energy bills for both citizens and the private