List of the streets out of traffic today
canal tv
During this day, the traffic will be stopped on some streets, because of the road repair works.
Centru sector:
- Ismail street.
- Ciuflea street.
- Viaduct Centru – Botanica.
Botanica sector
- Dacia boulevard
- Drumul Băcioiului street.
Buiucani sector
- Calea Ieşilor street..
- Ion Creangă street.
Ciocana street:
- Meşterul Manole street..
Râşcani sector
- Calea Moşilor street.
- Doina street.
Also, starting April 4, the road repair works will start in the Chisinau suburbs too:
- Truşeni village;
- Ghidighici village;
- Grătieşti village.
The drivers are urged to obey the patrol inspectors' indication.