27-year-old man risks to spend the next 25 years in jail for drug trafficking
A 27-year-old man is accused of recruiting people and rising funds for a business, hashish trafficking, as well as smuggling money.
The man unfolded his criminal activity both in Moldova, as well as abroad, by using social media, such as Viber, Skype, WhatsApp, executing all orders made by the group's leader.
Therefore, along with his father, he was supposed to organize and recruit people that would afterward smuggle money out of Republic of Moldova and take them to Spain, where they were used to purchase hashish by other members of the group (citizens of Moldova, Spain, Russia etc.). The drugs where then hidden in vehicles and smuggled into Russia, where other members would store and sell them.
According to the investigation, between December 2013 - January 2017, along with other members of the group, the suspect acquired and transported 96.5 kg of hashish and smuggled out of Moldova 100 000 Euro.
If found guilty, the man risks to 25 years of imprisonment.