Justice Ministry targets to modify contravention code
The modifications of the contravention code of the Justice ministry was approved by the Government. The project is promoted within the implementation of the Strategic Direction in the Justice sphere, announced that at the beginning of this year, the contravention procedures will be simplified.
One of the most important modification is the modification of the term to pay a fine from 72 hours to 3 working days, in order to facilitate the work of the responsible institutions in this regard.
Another modification targets the punishments for the minors and their parents or tutors. In this context, the Conventional Code stipulations were adjusted to the ones of the family code.
The cooperation agreement with attorney and the suspect, in exchange of an easier punishment. The agreement is possible to be made if the suspect recognizes the guilt.
Also, the project contains stipulations regarding the punishments of the drivers who don't obey the traffic rules.
Another aspect that should be solved by the law is the population's help. Thus, there were introduced new stipulations regarding the medical testing the people who are suspect of taking drugs or alcohol.
The modification of the conventional code will enter into force after will be approved by Parliament.