Radars installed on Orhei highway. Almost 700 drivers fined in a day
At the beginning of the week, the National Patrol Inspectorate evolved an action on the Chisinau-Orhei road, in order to combat the breaches of the visa regime, because many drivers exceed the speed limit and are not aware of the thing that they are responsible not only about their safety but also about the one of the ones who surround them.
Thus, two trap cars equipped with radar were placed at the belt road of Orhei and the second, near Peresecina. Immediately, after they found some breaches, those were transmitted to the patrol inspectors.
Within a day, only in a village, 615 drivers exceeded the speed limit. 104 of the cars had foreign matriculation plate. Of the total number of drivers, 263 of the drivers received protocols, because:
-132 drivers exceeded the speed with up to 20 km/h;
-118 drivers exceeded speed between 20-40 km/h;
-11 drivers exceeded speed up to 40 km/h.
INP mentioned that the other 352 drivers will receive a document to control the traffic.
The National Patrol Inspectorate targets to prevent the accidents, so nobody will be injured and no accidents will occur.