Over 150 employees of ISU presented their wines in exceptional festival
The firemen proved they are not good only to extinguish the fire, but also to have a good household. Over 150 firemen of the Inspectorate for Emergency Situations presented their wines within a special festival.
"Here we have the wines from 2017. This wine was made in home conditions."
The ISU rescues from the South decided to impress. They were dressed in national clothes and brought old carpets and photos of their grandparents.
"These photos are of my grandparents. The pickles are also from them", said Ludmila Zlatovcini, employee of ISU Cahul.
The pork didn't miss from the table.
"Here we have a pug that raised in our household."
The tables of the firemen from the Center and the North were filled with traditional food and wines. Their mothers and wives helped them a lot.
"Here we have home made bread and home made food"m said Stefan Manole, the chief of ISU Criuleni.
Some of the rescues form the North even brought vodka.
Nicolae Grati is the winner of the best wine from Straseni.
"Indeed, here there were presented many and good quality wines. Mr. Oleg", said Mihail Harabagiu, the chief of the IGSU.
Învingătorul la capitolul cel mai bun vin roşu a câştigat Nicolae Grati, salvator din Străşeni.
At the festival came a delegation from Transnistria and Iasi.