Via Dolorosa in Moldova. Dozens of Christians pray for health, peace and prosperity
Hundreds of Christians begun carving a new Via Dolorosa that will go around Moldova. This time, the road will have a distance of 1 400 km and will last one month, when believers will pray for health, peace and prosperity. Christians begun the road from Fârlădeni village, Căuşeni district, will walk the length of Dniester toward North and will return to their starting point by walking the length of Prut. The prayers will take place both during the day and night.
"For forgiveness, for health, for rain and peace."
"This is a holiday for Christians. There are six of us from Fălești and may God be watching over us."
"We will pray for all the people from Moldova.
-Will you resist the whole way?
-We are helpless without God's grace."
"We pray for everything to be well in Moldova, for it to be an orthodox country with traditions."
This Via Dolorosa going around Moldova unfolds since 2004 and is organized once in 5 years. First time, Christians used their cars.
"This year, it was decided that less people will go and we will walk. We have a kitchen with us and will cook, there are some settlements where Christians feed us" priest Anatol Cibric said.
The Via Dolorosa begun with around 200 people, while people can always join the Christians.