First apricots from Republic of Moldova appeared on market. How much is a killogram
Apricots will be more expensive in Moldova in 2018 due to the low temperatures registered in spring. Many farmers experienced losses after their trees were frozen. Such problem was encountered by Sergiu Brodescu from Sirota, Orhei. The farmer who owns 4 apricots hectares claims to not have a single fruit in his orchard.
"All that work and zero harvest, 15 000 lei were spend per each hectare and the whole orchard was ruined, but we will continue working and hopefully next year we will have harvest" farmer Sergiu Brodescu said.
Other farmers were more lucky. Dumitru Orescu from Hârtopul Mare, Criuleni, has 7 hectares of different types of apricots. Fruits begun being collected a few days before.
"This year proved to be harsh, there are less apricots than in previous years, but due to modern technologies we managed to gain harvest even in difficult years" farmer Dumitru Orescu said.
The farmer hopes to collect on average 12 tonnes per hectare. The fruit's prices reaching 15 lei per kilogram, by 5 lei more than last year.
"Because there are few apricots the prices will raise. Exporters know us and therefore we will have no problems" Dumitru Orescu explained.
Farmers who registered loses caused by the low temperatures have submitted requests at the Agriculture Ministry, while the Council for Emergency Situations will take a decision. In Republic of Moldova exists around 3 400 hectares of apricot orchards.