PDM refutes the absurd declarations made by the opposition regarding National Programs
PDM refutes the information that appeared on social media of the negative effects of projects launched by the Government. This information that misleads the citizen is not a move against PDM, but against the people. The declaration were made by PDM spokesman, Vitalie Gămurari, after the party's weekly meeting.
"Unfortunately we encounter many negative opinions regarding national programs that unfold in Moldova, namely the opposition is making absurd declarations. We try to fight against this phenomena, because they do not have a negative impact upon PDM, but upon the society.
I wish to speak of the First House Program, which was recently launched and already brought results. Unfortunately, two parties, PAS and PDA, try to mislead the citizens by claiming this project is without benefits and unattainable. I wish to say that at the moment over 100 beneficiaries managed to acquire their own house due to this program. There are another 100 that have already applied. I remind that this project was made in the interests of the citizens of Republic of Moldova and young specialists.
I wish to provide an example, anyone who wish to calculate those amounts, will clearly see that the First House program is attractive, already implemented and brought results. Soon, First House 2 Program will be launched, meant for public servants.
They did not attack only the First House project, but also created rumors regarding the single window, regarding the agriculture subventions program for young people, ambulances acquisition program, the sewage program unfolded in the whole country etc.
This mass disinformation, tries to harm the citizens of Republic of Moldova, because their are the ones who benefit from those programs, as negative propaganda causes them to no longer being able to benefit from the projects.
PDM took upon itself the responsibility for spreading and monitoring the information regarding those national projects that were already implemented and projects that appeared for the first time in Republic of Moldova's history" Vitalie Gămurari declared.
PUBLIKA.MD reminds that First House Project was launched at the initiative of Prime Minister Pavel Filip. People under 45 years old are eligible to apply.