Number of people applying for Moldovan passports has drastically increased
The number of people applying for Moldovan passports has increased starting May 2018. Public Service Agency subdivisions responsible for issuing identity documents receive on daily basis 3 150 requests, while in April would register only 2 000. Most applicants are in Chisinau.
In order to ensure efficient identity documents issuance and the quality of public services during this period, several administrative measures were taken.
Services issuing documents in Botanica and Rîșcani sector from Chisinau have begun working 6 days a week: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday, from 8:00 to 17:00 local time.
At the same time, SEAI Center from Chisinau is now working each day from 7:00 to 17:00 Monday to Friday and from 9:00 to 13:00 on Saturday and Sunday.
According to the established work program, in all services issuing identity documents the schedule is set for continuous work, the lunch break being organized based on a graphic.
Applicants can submit request at any subdivision of Public Service Agency, regardless of their place of residence.
Since the beginning of the year were issued over 203 400 passports. If in April the number of registered requests reached 32 800, in May it grew to 47 740, while in the first two weeks of June were already issued 29 500 documents.