People from Duruitoarea Veche and Costești were connected to the aqueduct and the sewer network
North Regional Development Agency has implemented multiple projects, worth millions, to improve the lives of people. Those living in Duruitoarea Veche and Costești, Râșcani district, were connected to the aqueduct and the sewer network.
In the project's second stage, another 28 settlements from the district will be connected.
"According to the project, a new sewer network and aqueduct system was installed in Duruitoarea Veche village. Partially, in Costești, the aqueduct and the sewer network was replaced, as it dated back to the soviet times" director Apă-Canal”, Costești, Igor Baranevschii said.
People claim that conditions have improved and it can be felt.
"We have aqueduct and sewer network. We have water all the time now. We now have a washing machine and bathroom" resident Vadim Roşca said.
"We are very thankful. We now have water all the time."
From the money of the North Regional Development Agency was also build Edineț Industrial park, a office complex, where five economic agents are activating and nearly 500 people are employed.
"We chose this economic space, as it offer the possibility to expand. We have a rather modern space."
At the same time, from money offered by North Regional Development Agency was also renovated the Center for Public Health from Drochia. Expenses reaching to 10 million lei.
Manager of Center for Public Health from Drochia claim that the building was last repaired in 1984.
"The roof was practically fully changed, all windows and doors were replaced, while the building was insulated. Only a few walls are left to be renovated. The project will be finished in August 2018" managed of Center for Public Health from Drochia, Emilia Lopatenco said.
Around 80 000 people are using the Center's services.