Tudor Ulianovschi: Relationship with the EU and the USA are a priority for us
The Chisinau authorities will make a plan as a result of the ONU resolution regarding the withdrawal of the Russian troops from the territory of our country. The declaration was made by Tudor Ulianosvhi, the minister of Foreign Affairs, after the reunion of the Ambassadors in our country.
"We are working on an internal action plan that is good for us to be internally for the first period, but with certainty we will use the UN platform to communicate even more to organize events related to this resolution", said Tudor Ulianovschi, the minister of Foreign Affairs.
The official also talked about the thing that Moldova's image abroad should be improved, because this is our country looks like a post soviet republic, but it should look like one from Occident. Ulianovschi reiterated that the European Integrity is the main priority of our country.
With regard to foreign partnerships, Ulianovschi stressed the importance of relations with the EU Member States and the United States, as well as the need to resume a dialogue with Russia.
"The Moldova-US Strategic Dialogue must materialize to a fair value. The relations with the Russian Federation must be normal, but this must be done in a natural way, respect for the principles of international law, the Charter UN and our Western options", said the Minister of Foreign Affairs.
In the complicated geopolitical context of the region, the Republic of Moldova needs to build up relations with the North Atlantic Alliance.
"In order to strengthen its own security, the Republic of Moldova needs to cooperate more closely with NATO, moving to a much more advanced stage that does not contradict its neutrality", said Tudor Ulianovschi.