Free yoga courses in Dendraiu park from Capital
A group of women aged of over 50 years spent their morning in a special place from Dendrariu Park from the Capital. The woman experienced yoga.
The women started with some simple exercises and then turned to more complicated ones.
"Good. You are doing great."
The women say that even if it was hard they won't give up on the training.
"-I hope I will return to these exercises. These are a bit difficult. My body is not ready for such en effort."
Veronica Tonitoi is 61 year old and has a healthy life style. The woman started a healthy life style after she suffered a surgery.
"I feel better after these exercises. It feels like nothing hurts", said Veronica Tonitoi.
The coach says that one of the benefits of yoga is that the women become stronger.
"I have decided to make the women fulfill a healthy life style and I teach them easy exercises", said Nageena Shiva, yoga coach.
The yoga courses take place every Saturday. Starting this autumn these will take place in a sport hall.