Tickets to Iasi cheaper now! How much will these cost?
Good news for travelers to Iasi. Starting August 24, the ticket to Iasi will be cheaper.
Thus, it will cost only 90 lei for the IIIrd class, which is 42 lei less than previously.
The travelers of the second class will pay 100, instead of 148.
The ones who want more comfortable conditions will pay 130 lei. The tickets can be bought on-line.
On Chisinau-Socola (IASI) only one train goes, it has AC and free wifi.
Also, CFM announced that the train will be available three times a week.
Thus, the passengers can go to Iasi on Friday, Saturday and Sunday.
The train leaves Chisinau at 06:16 and arrives in Iasi at 10:15.
The train returns at 5:42 PM and arrives at 9:36 PM.
Moreover, the traveling time was reduced by 20 minutes.
Also, the train will also drive to Iasi on August 27.