Better transport conditions for over 71 thousand travelers who pass Basarabeasca bus terminal
The Minister of Economy and Infrastructure visited the Basarabeasca railway station, which was recently opened. Following the instructions given by Chiril Gaburici in mid-May to create suitable conditions for passengers, the necessary space for the arrangement of the bus station was identified. At present, Basarabeasca car station has a waiting room, a sanitary block and houses for sale of tickets. The Minister appreciated the new conditions in the station, reiterating the importance of providing citizens with quality services.
"In May, when I visited the so-called bus station in Basarabeasca, I saw travelers waiting on their way, because there were no waiting conditions. This is an example of good cooperation between Railway Station and Bus terminals, to create the right conditions - air-conditioned waiting room and a passenger toilet. The waiting conditions in the car stations must be good and provide the minimum necessary for the citizens", said Chiril Gaburici.
According to the information "Railway stations and Bus Terminals", the expenses for the arrangement and repair of the Basarabeasca railway station were minimal - about 33 thousand lei, and the rent of the 100 m2 will cost 70 thousand lei yearly.
It was also discussed with the local public authorities the possibility of taking space for the arrangement of the platforms, the cost of the works being estimated to 100,000 lei.
Minister Chiril Gaburici spoke about the importance of developing a public-private partnership to renovate the country's stations. "Rail stations need to become feasible, profit-generating businesses to ensure good conditions for travelers. An example of successful public-private partnership is the case of Chisinau International Airport. This model of PPP must be multiplied on other state-owned assets so that they are put into the economic circuit, attract investments and lead to new jobs", the Minister of Economy and Infrastructure pointed out.
Basarabeasca Branch serves 45 races, among which: international flights - 2 direct and 3 transit, interurban flights - 27 direct and 4 transit, suburban flights - 9 direct. Over the past year, over 71,000 passengers were transported through Basarabeasca bus and sold tickets amounting to 2.17 million lei.