Over 60 motorcyclists donated blood within "Become a donor! Donate Blood! Save a Life!" campaign
foto: publika.md
Dozens of motorcyclists have met today and have decided to donate blood. They say they want to save lives and encourage others to follow their example. The "Become a donor! Donate Blood! Save a Life!" event, organized by motorcyclists, is at its first edition. Over 60 motorcyclists queue at the blood donation center.
"After you donate blood, the body is more invigorated. Here, blood tests are done practically for all diseases."
"There are many people who need help, whether they suffer from an accident or other problems. My dad is a loyal donor and I decided to follow his example."
"I have a rare blood group and I know that and I offer to donate it to others who need it." "What group do you have?" "Second negative."
"The first time I donated blood when I was in the army, today I donate for the 20th time. Why not do a good deed."
Those who donated blood for the first time say they did it without fear.
"For the first time I donate blood." "How do you feel?" "As if I had climbed for the first time on a motorcycle."
The campaign is organized by the Motorcycle Club "Razzei Moldovei" and the Ministry of Health in partnership with the National Blood Transfusion Center.
"The National Blood Transfusion Center has enough blood products to cover the needs of medical institutions. We are constantly working on volunteering," said Doina Banari, deputy director of the National Blood Transfusion Center.
"We have gathered not only to spend the day together, but also to do good deeds, and not always the money can be helpful." Sometimes such actions are welcome", said Vlad Gruzin, a motorcyclist.
Annually, over 80,000 donations are made, covering about 130,000 blood transfusions.
"After you donate blood, the body is more invigorated. Here, blood tests are done practically for all diseases."
"There are many people who need help, whether they suffer from an accident or other problems. My dad is a loyal donor and I decided to follow his example."
"I have a rare blood group and I know that and I offer to donate it to others who need it." "What group do you have?" "Second negative."
"The first time I donated blood when I was in the army, today I donate for the 20th time. Why not do a good deed."
Those who donated blood for the first time say they did it without fear.
"For the first time I donate blood." "How do you feel?" "As if I had climbed for the first time on a motorcycle."
The campaign is organized by the Motorcycle Club "Razzei Moldovei" and the Ministry of Health in partnership with the National Blood Transfusion Center.
"The National Blood Transfusion Center has enough blood products to cover the needs of medical institutions. We are constantly working on volunteering," said Doina Banari, deputy director of the National Blood Transfusion Center.
"We have gathered not only to spend the day together, but also to do good deeds, and not always the money can be helpful." Sometimes such actions are welcome", said Vlad Gruzin, a motorcyclist.
Annually, over 80,000 donations are made, covering about 130,000 blood transfusions.