Pavel Filip: How I see Union: Hearts in two capitals beat at same pace
We want the Unification through interconnection of infrastructure, not through strong statements. I see the Union so. Hearts in the two capitals beat at the same pace. The statements were made by the Prime Minister Pavel Filip after the joint meeting of the Government of Moldova and Romania.
"That's how we see Unification through the interconnection of infrastructure. It's simple, we have the same blood, now we have the opportunity to re-establish networks, following the model of a blood system, to have an interconnected system so that the hearts in the two capitals beat at the same pace.
In Chisinau, on the other hand, it has become a real trend to shout in the big mouth and declare yourself for the Union, many more parties are already bidding for this. We believe that approaches need to be pragmatic and then bring more results. It is not just the strong statements that ensure this approach, but the concrete, social or interconnection projects.
We want an integrated, shared infrastructure to bring this union together by interconnecting infrastructure across different areas. We want to re-integrate transport, electronic communications, environmental systems, security systems, or education and culture systems. We are making progress and I am happy that we have agreed to continue this path.
We want a common space of communication, we want our citizens not to have felt from one country to another, to be able to talk on the phone without paying roaming charges. We agreed as a symbolic first step that our citizens would not pay for the roaming of December 1 on the Day of the Great Union, "said Pavel Filip.
At the same time, the chief Executive of Chisinau reiterated that EU membership remains the only objective of the Republic of Moldova:
"Our efforts will be intensified in the context of holding the Romanian Presidency in the Council of the European Union".
There is little to say that our countries have good or excellent diplomatic relations because our relations are far beyond friendly relations.
We are two countries that exist in the same linguistic space, a common cultural space and values".
Pavel Filip also stressed that Romania is the main trading partner for Moldova:
"The volume of foreign trade this year alone has increased by 30 percent compared to last year and has exceeded $ 1 billion. It links not only history, culture, but economic relations.
I will never forget the help hand that Romania put us three years ago when I came to the head of the Chisinau government and the Republic of Moldova was in a financial and political economic crisis. I am talking here about the 100 million loan offered then, but also about the humanitarian aid granted by Romania.
I appreciate that regardless of the internal situation, politicians from both Bucharest and Chisinau have always managed to find a common denominator when it comes to our bilateral relationship".
At the same time, through the projects stipulated in the new cooperation agreements, Filip said that the possibility of crossing the railways from the Republic of Moldova to a gauge similar to that in Romania was examined. In the future, this will offer the opportunity to put a line on the line and a fast train on interstate flights.