Draft resolution of Referendum organization on election day will be voted today in Parliament
The draft decision to hold an advisory referendum on election day will be voted today in Parliament. Thus, on February 24, four polling stations could be divided into polling stations, said deputy Sergiu Sirbu.
"The first question: Are you for the reduction of the number of deputies?" The second question, if you are for the people of the Republic of Moldova to vote revoke or dismiss the deputies in the parliament that their constitutional attributions do not execute.We will be able to have even four bulletins, because each question must be on a separate bulletin", said DPM deputy Sergiu Sirbu.
According to the Democrats, it is proposed that the plebiscite be held on the day of the parliamentary elections, because no additional costs will be needed, except the expenses for the printing of the ballot papers.
The initiative foresees that the number of deputies will be reduced from 101 to 61, and legislators who fail to meet their obligations will be dismissed by citizens.
The latest poll "Vox Populi", conducted by the Association of Sociologists and Demographers, shows that 72 percent of Moldovan people are advocating for decreasing the number of MPs.