Pavel Filip about the heavy snow: We will work 24 hours to remove the snow from the national roads and help everybody who required it
The prime minister Pavel Filip convoked the operative session to discuss about the actions that need to be taken because of the heavy snow fall. Within the session, the actual condition of the national roads has been analyzed.
According to the last information, all the roads from the country are clean and the villages that faced power cut have the light back. The crisis cell will work 24 hours till Monday, in order to prevent the risk.
During the past two days, the General Police Inspectorate registered 126 accidents, among which, 88 took place in the Capital. The prime minister requested to police, the carabiners to intervene to clean the roads and the yards of the blocks of flats.
At the same time, the prime minister asked the local public authorities and the administrators of the blocks of flats to remove the snow from the roofs of the buildings.
Pavel Filip highlighted that the special services and the local authorities should cooperate in order to remove the snow and help the people who need it.
"We should buy some new modern equipment", mentioned Pavel Filip.
Within the session, the prime minister thanked everyone involved in the snow removal actions.
The citizens are urged to call 112 service if they face any troubles.