Valeriu Ghiletchi vice-president of Parliament attended National Prayer Breakfast in Washington DC
Valeriu Ghiletchi vice-president attended the National Prayer Breakfast from Washington DC.
Donald Trump, the USA President and Mike Pompeo state secretary also attended the event.
At the event also participated many other representatives of other countries.
"I am glad to participate at such an important event for the USA and the whole world. The speeches I heard here encouraged all the countries that have active war condition", declared Valeriu Ghiletchi, the vice-president of the Parliament.
The official was overwhelmed by Andrew Brunson's speech who was released from a Turkish prison, due to a declaration that was also signed by Valeriu Ghiletchi.
The National Prayer Breakfast from the USA is organized yearly. The event is attended by over 3500 gusts from 100 countries. The event offers a discussions quorum. At the same time, it provides a relationship with the American Capital.
This year, Donal Trump President highlighted the human dignity within Pro-Life fight against abortion.
"All children are made in the holy image of God. Every life is sacred and every soul is a precious gift from heaven", declared Donal Trump.
Valeriu Ghiletchi declared that he will organize a similar event in Moldova. The event will take place before the Easter.