2019 parliamentary elections: How can Moldovans receive the right to vote in any polling station
The Central Elections Commission informs the citizens eligible to vote that the voting certificates will be released by the voting polls starting February 23, writes deschide.md.
According to the electoral legislation, the persons who won't be on the place of their constituency on the elections day can request to vote in another constituency, by taking the voting certificate.
The person should present an ID in order to take it.
Thus, the members of the electoral bureau will issue to the voter a certificate for the right to vote allowing voting in any polling station on the territory of the Republic of Moldova, but only in the parliamentary elections in the national constituency and the Republican consultative referendum, and / or a certificate for the right to vote vote allowing voting in parliamentary elections in the uninominal constituency in any polling station in the territory of the uninominal constituency in which the voter has his or her domicile or residence.
The Central Electoral Commission announces that the electoral bureaus work daily between 8.00 and 17.00, and on rest days - on the basis of a reduced work schedule.