PSRM members don't know they own candidates on constituencies
Even if only one week is left until the parliamentary elections, some representatives of the socialists don't know the candidates who run on their constituencies.
When they have been asked about the candidate promote, they said a liberal candidate from the same constituency. The socialists also made mistakes when they have been asked about the democratic candidate who runs on Orhei constituency.
According to them, he died. Andrian Candu, the DPM candidate has been in Orhei these days and saw the candidate who they thought is dead.
At one of the socialist tents installed in the center of Orhei, three men shared the flyers and newspapers. They got here, the Democrats went to greet their electoral contestants, but they refused and showed themselves disturbed by the cameras.
And that's because some of them were aggressive. They then changed their minds and got hold of Parliament Speaker Adrian Candu.
-You don't have the right.
-I just want to say hi.
-I don't care."
Being asked whom they support, they confused Mihai Catranciuc with Dorin Zghibarta who is a liberal candidate.
Andrian Candu presented them Vasile Costin, DPM candidate on the same constituency.
"He is Vasile Costin."
Within the discussions with Orhei resident, the democrats met the SOR party representatives. Andrian Candu, the President of the Parliament wished them luck.
"-How is the election campaign going?
-Very good. How is yours?
-Also good.
-We have a beautiful and young team.
-We already have results.
-You have results only in Orhei, we have results in thew whole country."
The No.18 constituency includes 13 villages from Orhei district and 8 from Calarasi. Seven politicians run on this constituency.