Alexandru Tanase: A coalition of PAS and PSRM is a phantasmagoria
Alexandru Tanase, the former president of the Constitutional court says that a coalition between PSRM and ACUM is not real. ACUM bloc only targets to destroy Vlad Plahotniuc's system and create snap elections.
"Before thinking of such a plot, firstly, you should check on the law and see the procedures. They also can take a glance at the Constitution, because it has changed in the meantime. Now, the prosecutors have constitutional status. The Occident will never accept such a democracy, an abusive one", said Alexandru Tanase for Adevarul Live.
According to him, it is hard to image a coalition between PSRM and ACUM. Sooner or later, they will destroy such a Government and will organize snap elections:"Why do you need a coalition if you already have a Government. Why do you need another campaign when the result is the same."
"They only target to get rid of some fundamental laws through some Bolshevik methods. Can you imagine such a chaos? I don't even think we will reach the chaos. Such a scenario is impossible", added Tanase.
We remind that after the February 24 elections, PSRM got 35 seats in the Parliament, DPM - 30, ACUM - 26, SOR party 7. In this Parliament there will be three independent candidates.
PSRM announced they will not align with any on the parties. ACUM has the same opinion.