Moldovan winemakers attend Prowein, biggest world wine exhibition
The Moldova winemakers participate at Prowein, the biggest wine exhibition in the world, that takes place in Dusseldorf, Germany.
This year, 39 wineries from Moldova with over 350 products participate. All the products are named Wine of Moldova.
"We have a common voice, which is very important for the wine market. There are a lot of wines. In order to attract more attention, we work within a team", said Gheorghe Arpentin, ONVV director.
The winemakers have high expectations. For some of them, the past exhibition ended up with important partnership.
"We participate at this exhibition since 2003. This is the best wine exhibition in the world. Here you can see the world's wine trend", said Artur Marin, winery director.
Here you can see wine from all around the world.
"We have five new kinds of wine, but also the last year wine that was awarded at different competitions. I am happy that the first two meetings were great", said Ion Luca, winery director.
In the first day of the event, the Moldovans gave all the visitors to try our wine.
"It is delicious", said a wine provider from Nigeria.
Besides tasting the wine, the Wine of Moldova's visitors had the chance to attend a couple of master-classes with some world experts.
"Here I talked about my memories and experience when I went to Georgia, about the wine industry from Moldova. Moldova registered a great evolution", said Robert Joseph, wine expert.
ProWein Exhibition ends tomorrow. The organizers are expecting for 60 thousand visitors from over 130 countries.
Participarea țării noastre la eveniment este asigurată și finanțată de Oficiul Național al Viei și Vinului, cu susținerea partenerului strategic de dezvoltare, Proiectul de Competitivitate din Moldova finanțat de USAID și Guvernul Suediei.