Republic of Moldova civil code modernized. What do magistrates and lawyers think about it
The Republic of Moldova civil code was modernized. The new legislative act was launched yesterday evening in a library from Chisinau. The experts who attended the event commented on the changes.
The new Civil Code has 2,700 articles, among which, 1.000 are new. Among the new articles there are: the personality rights, customers rights. The new version was made by a group of experts who worked on this project for four years. Among them there are Justice Ministry representatives, but also university teachers.
"There are a lot of mistakes in the old Civil code. The new one contains more details, it is easier to understand it", mentioned Octavian Cazac, Law Faculty of Moldova State University teacher.
"This is one of the most modern implementations in Europe. We should be proud that we have one of the best Civil Codes in Europe. It didn't invent new principles, it just explains and makes more clear the old ones", declared Oleg Efrim, lawyer, former Justice Minister.
The magistrates and lawyers, but also the future law specialists appreciate the new Civil Code.
"This project makes some social processes easier to understand."
"This is how we are going to study the new stipulations. I prefer the books more than than to read in electronic format."
The law to modify the new Civil Code entered into force on March 1. Last time, it was changed in 2003.