Market from Capital installed self-checkout apparatuses. What do customers say
A supermarkets network from our country installed six self checkout apparatuses where people can scan the products that they bought by themselves.
But, the Moldovan chose the usual cashier's counters. This is why the self check out apparatuses are always free.
The customers should scan the products by themselves and pay with the credit card. Even if there is nothing complicated, some of them avoid using this method.
The ones who use it say that the procedure is simple and comfortable.
"I always use the self checkout counter, because I should not wait in a row. Here we also can find a coffee machine."
"It is logic to use this apparatus, it saves time."
The administrators also have to win. They only need one employee for six counters.
"When the cashiers' counters are very crowded we urge the customers to go to the self check out apparatus. In the first days, the customers were a little bit skeptic, but now, more and more started to use these apparatuses", said Oxana Cusnirova, administrator.
"We will get used to the new methods."
"The usual counters are more efficient, but anyway, I haven't tried to use the new self checkout counters."
The counters are placed in just one market from the Capital.
"Each counter has an own checking system", said Adrian Pohilenco, IT director.
The self-checkout counters were invented in the 90s. The fist apparatus was installed for the first time in a New York market. According to the official data, in 2013, there were 191 thousand self check out apparatuses all around the world.