Economy Minister Chiril Gaburici participates in the 2nd Commerce Ministerial Meeting
Economy Minister Chiril Gaburici participates in the second Ministerial Reunion in Commerce held in Kiev, Ukraine.
At the event, officials assessed the implementation of provisions of Deep and Comprehensive Free Trade Areas (DCFTA) between European Union and Eastern Partnership countries, regarding the economic development and business climate.
Moreover, they also presented success stories of companies in Moldova, Ukraine, Georgia who export goods to EU market.
In his speech, Minister Chiril Gaburici highlighted the progresses and challenges in applying DCFTA agreement, mentioning that Moldova registered significant progresses since the last Ministerial Reunion in the fields of customs, sanitary measures and public procurement.
"I'm happy to state that commercial volume between DCFTA and EU continually grows. These results were enabled due to measures adopted to eliminate technical barriers", said the Moldovan Minister.
Minister also specified that Moldovan export to EU reached 70% of total volume in 2018.
"The export is growing further on. This demonstrated the consolidation of commercial connection within Eastern Partnership and EU, stimulating economic growth and creating more jobs", added the Minister.
The parts also discussed the importance of establishing platform of business and B2B forces.
DCFTA are three free trade areas established between EU, and Georgia, Moldova and Ukraine respectively. The DCFTAs are part of each country's EU Association Agreement.
They allow Georgia, Moldova and Ukraine access to the European Single Market in selected sectors and grant EU investors in those sectors the same regulatory environment in the associated country as in the EU.
The agreements with Moldova and Georgia were ratified and officially entered into force in July 2016, although parts of them were already provisionally applied. The agreement with Ukraine was provisionally applied since 1 January 2016 and formally entered into force on 1 September 2017.