Moldovans with medical insurance to have access to a greater number of medical services
Patients will have access to a greater number of medical services within the compulsory health care insurance, and providers will be able to contract innovative medical services more easily, which will contribute to the improvement of the diagnosis and treatment process.
In this regard, the Government today approved amendments to the Single Unique Program of Compulsory Health Insurance.
The Unique Program will include 70 new medical investigations in primary health care, 340 new positions for specialized outpatient care, 166 new high-performance services, including: investigations to determine HVC and the degree of the liver fibrosis, investigations for the diagnosis tumors and other chronic diseases.
Meanwhile, in addition to the volume of services already existing in the Single Program, about 12,550 people will benefit from Nuclear Magnetic Resonance and Computerized Tomography services, about 300 patients will undergo the PET - CT investigation, 3,600 patients will benefit from angiography, etc.
In order to increase the access of the patients to the chemotherapy services and their financial protection, the costs of suburban and interurban round-trip public transport will be covered. Likewise, the volume of medical services specific to the elderly, for long-term treatment of chronic diseases, rehabilitation (physical therapy, physical medicine, etc.) was raised.
The project aims to extend the support provided for child care under hospital treatment conditions. Accordingly, the mother or the person caring for the child will be allowed to stay in the hospital, if the child is seriously ill and needs additional care, according to the medical advice, even if he is older than 3 years (up to 18 years) years).