ACUM alliance's mistakes made along the elections campaign
Within this elections campaign, many of the politicians gained people's trust. Many of them didn't use this opportunity. ACUM alliance made a lot of mistakes. The declarations belong to the gusts of yesterday edition of Fabrika talk show. According to the political analysts, Maia Sandu and Andrei Nastase didn't mobilize their supporters, but neither the unionists. Anatol Taranu political annalist suggested them what should have they done in order to show political maturity.
"Withdraw the first ten candidates out of your list and highlight the unionists. Such people can not do anything in politics", said Anatol Taranu.
"Two factors determined the relationship between the alliance and the unionists. First of all, the selfishness and the second one, the tradition to neglect the unionists", said Victor Juc, politics analyst.
The experts refereed to the socialists' chances.
"I would not recommend them to win the elections. They don't have any chances to remain sane in this situation", declared Anatol Taranu, political analyst.
The analysts also said that the results of the elections depend on the number of citizens who will vote.
"Many people still don't know for whom to give their vote. Is is a quite complicated situation. Some of them take this decision in the last moment. The surveys show that 40% of the citizens don't know for whom to vote", said Victor Juc.