Almost ten thousand square meters of road were repaired in Capital last two weeks
Almost ten thousand square meters of road were repaired in the last two months in the Capital. The announcement was made by Vitalie Butucel, the interim of the Transport Direction of the City Hall.
"Totally, we repaired 9 thousand 652 square meters, worth three million lei", said Vitalie Butucel, the chief of the Transport Direction.
According to the municipal authorities, in the lase two weeks, the road workers repaired many streets from Center sector, Bucureşti, Puşkin and Bănulescu Bodoni.
At the same time, there were covered the holes from Socoleni, Calea Moşilor, Moscova boulevard and Ceucari street from Râşcani sector. In Ciocana, Buiucani and Botanica, the road workers repaired Meşterul Manole, Calea Ieşilor, Alba Iulia, Mircea cel Bătrân and Dacia boulevards. They also worked in suburbs.
Silvia Radu the interim of the Capital mentioned that starting next week, other streets will be repaired.
"This week, the main streets will be finished and starting next week, other streets will be repaired. Mr.Butucel, you will be responsible of the road repair works", said Silvia Radu, the interim of the Capital.
The municipality announced that starting today, the road signs will be placed.
"We haven't install the road signs, but we have to do it as fast as we can", said Adrian Boldurescu, the interim of Exdrupo.
Totally, the road signs will be placed on a 20 thousad square meters. This year, 125 million lei were allocated from the Chisinau budget to repair the streets.