Andi Cristea: We can't play with the sovereignty of Moldova and treat it like it takes part of an opportunity calculation
We can't play with the sovereignty of Moldova and treat it like it takes part of an opportunity calculation. The declaration was made by the MEP Andi Cristea on his blog.
Referring to the recent declaration of Franco Frattini, the OSCE representative of Moldova, Moldova's request to withdraw Russian soldiers is out of the question, "PSD MEP Andi Cristea, President of the European Parliament Delegation for Moldova and Vice-President of the European Parliament's Foreign Policy Committee declared:
"I respect the diplomatic and politic experience of Mr. Frattini, but I don't think it refers to the recent declaration about solving the Transnistrean conflict. We can't play with the sovereignty of Moldova and treat it like it takes part of an opportunity calculation. The whole system is based on the suzerainty rules and the Russian soldiers from Transnistria breach the public order, the same as they do it in Ukraine and Georgia. The things are really simple: the withdrawal of the Russian soldiers is not only a justified demand of Chisinau but also an action that should be supported by the international community.
Such declarations risk to affect the credibility of Mr. Frattini as an OSCE representative for Transnistria. The things are sensible enough, but also complicated. Chisinau and Tiraspol should solve their problems and stop the conflict", said MEP Andi Cristea.